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NAO-UK-report-managing the defence estate-2007
The UK Defence Department has a worldwide estate valued at some £18 billion and is the second largest landowner in the United Kingdom with an estate of 240,000 hectares. The report looks at the changes the Department is making to reverse the deterioration in the quality of the estate; it also reports on progress with estate rationalisation. The report focuses on the progress being made to achieve an estate of the right quality.
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NAO-UK- report-protecting staff & employees in PFI deals-2008
The UK Government has contracted out approximately nine per cent of its service delivery to the private sector through outsourcing, through PPP’s and the PFI. The contracting out of service provision will often lead to public sector staff becoming employees of the private sector contractor. This report examines the impact on the terms and conditions of staff who transferred to a private sector contractor.
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NAO-UK- report-refinancing pfi deals-update-2003
The report looks at the thinking behind the sharing of refinancing gains between the public and private sector. In summary the NAO found that:! early PFI deals: public sector were generally securing 30 per cent of future gains where there was no contractual entitlement and for new deals subject to revised guidance the benefits of refinancings will be shared 50/50.
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NAO-UK report-refinancing of the Norfolk and Norwich hospital project-2006.
The Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust implemented one of the first PFI hospital contracts let in January 1998. The contract was a pathfinder deal which helped the Department of Health to establish a new market in PFI hospital procurement. This report looks at the refinancing of the transaction.
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NAO-UK report-refinancing of the Darent Valley hospital project-2006
In 1997, the Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust awarded the first NHS PFI contract in the UK for a new hospital at Darent Valley. The report is an overview of how project has developed since the contract was let. A few report findings: a) the facilities and services have been delivered to a quality that has overall has been satisfactory; b) a refinancing of the PFI deal has generated large accelerated financial benefits for the shareholders.
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NAO-UK- report-review of the Ministry of Defence Main Building accommodation project-2003.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) required secure, modern and efficient working accommodation in central London. MOD had recognised that improvements were necessary to its existing accommodation known as Main Building. The redevelopment was a large and complex project. It involved moving over 3,000 staff into other accommodation. The report examines whether the PFI redevelopment was likely to deliver value for money.