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NAO-UK-report-for the National Air Traffice Services PFI project-2002
National Air Traffic Services Ltd (NATS) is the company which holds a monopoly of air traffic control for aircraft flying over the United Kingdom. It also provides air traffic control at most of the large airports around the country. The costs of its services are met by charges to users, mainly airlines. Until the PPP it was owned by the Civil Aviation Authority, which remains its regulator. This report looks at the NATS PPP.
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NAO-UK- report-monitoring the cost of building road projects in the UK-2007.
This report examines how the costs of building and improving roads are estimated and monitored from early forecasts through to the final cost of schemes. The UK Department for Transport has approved expenditure of over £11 billion between 1998 and 2021 for the development of new and existing trunk roads and motorways by the Highways Agency and just under £1.7 billion on major road schemes which are proposed and developed by local authorities.
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NAO-UK- report-maintaining England's roads and motorways-2003
This report examines the maintenance of motorways and trunk roads in England by the Highways Agency , an executive agency of the Department for Transport. Road maintenance consists of routine maintenance, such as keeping roads clear of debris and cutting grass, and capital maintenance, involving the renewal of assets, for example resurfacing or reconstructing roads.
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NAO-UK report-modernising procurement-2000.
Procurement by government departments in the UK and elsewhere is big business. Some 1,500 procurement staff spend an estimated £13 billion+ a year on civil procurement in the UK. This report is not about the faults of the past. It is about the opportunities for the future. The examples it uses are examples of successes not failures. The purpose is to stimulate and encourage the development and dissemination of good procurement practice.
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NAO-UK- report-managing a successful partnership for a PFI project-2001.
The Private Finance Initiative is now established as a major form of Government procurement. It is used to procure a wide range of public services, including hospitals, prisons and roads. Although there is now considerable experience of the PFI procurement process, there is much less experience of the issues that arise once the contract has been let. This report highlights key issues which authorities need to keep in mind when developing and managing relationships with the private sector.
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NAO-UK-report-MOD-review of PFI contract for the new defence staff college-2002
The Ministry of Defence (the Department) identified the need for a joint command and staff college. This report examines whether the Department managed the establishment of the College effectively - whether the College has succeeded in delivering joint training and whether the use of the PFI has been value for money.