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England, Refinancing, Value for money, Guidance and introductory documents/materials, vfm, value for money, refinancing

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HM Treasury-UK-guidance note on how to achieve value for money for the public sector on a refinancing of a pfi/ppp project

This note considers: (a) issues for the public sector  in giving consent to a refinancing, namely: i) maximum level of senior debt, and ii) increased termination liabilities. (b) other issues which may arise for the public sector entity at the time of a refinancing, and for which further consents are required, namely: i) contract amendments, and ii) contract extensions.

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airports, metro/light rail, rail (heavy), Europe, roads, Transport, Skills for public sector procurers , Guidance and introductory documents/materials, TEN-T, road, rail

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EPEC-EU-a guide to guidance -sourcebook for ppps in TEN-transport-road, rail etc- EU transport network

This Guide to Guidance has been primarily designed to assist public officials responsible for trans-European transport network (TEN-T) projects to improve their understanding of the key issues and procedures involved in the procurement of TEN-T projects with PPP arrangements. The transport infrastructure components of TEN-T are road, rail and inland waterway networks, motorways/other.

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Finance and finance related materials/documents, world bank, roads, ppp, performance

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The World Bank-presentation-ppps-lessons from the roads sector-H Kerali

A presentation by the World Bank regarding the lessons learned from the PPP roads sector. It explains the typical concession and private finance structures that have been used as a model for the development of road projects.

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Brazil, presentation, ppp, planning, mop, lessons, challenges, Brazil

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MOP- Brazil- presentation- Brazilain ppp programme-lessons and challenges- V L Souto-2012

A presentation by the Brazilian Ministry of Planning providing an overview of the lessons and challenges that have been learnt from the PPP experience. They explain the obstacles that have been overcome to facilitate project development and to increase investor appetite. They also outline their need for future assistance in the procurement and management process.

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Nuclear, England, UK, supply, nuclear, energy, climate change

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DECC-UK-presentation-implementing nuclear new build in challenging times-T Stone-2012

A presentation by the department of energy and climate change about the implementation of nuclear new build in challenging times. An analysis of the future of nuclear usage and how are they dealing with the risks. The plans for industrial progression by the year 2025 in the UK and their estimations about the revenues are considered.  Finally the financing challenges and opportunities are highlighted.

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Qatar, qnb, qatar, national bank, gcc

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Qatar National Bank-presentation-financing infrastructure projects in Qatar-2012

A presentation by QNB, analyzing the projects in Qatar. It explains the issues and challenges in the financing of infrastructure in Qatar. It shows the objectives of Qatar’s pipeline of projects and provides an economic overview.

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