NAO-UK- report-protecting staff & employees in PFI deals-2008

The UK Government has contracted out approximately nine per cent of its service delivery to the private sector through outsourcing, through PPP’s and the PFI. The contracting out of service provision will often lead to public sector staff becoming employees of the private sector contractor.

NAO-UK- report-London Underground-metro and ligh rail-were they good deals?-2004

In 2002 the then Secretary of State for Transport announced approval of a decision by the board of London Regional Transport to enter into three PPPs for the infrastructure of the LondonUnderground system (the Tube). The operation of the trains would remain a public sector responsibility of London Underground Limited , together with responsibility for managing the PPPs themselves.

NAO-UK- report-Delivering public services through markets and value for money-2012

Securing value for money when public services are delivered through markets requires clear oversight of several key areas and a set of associated skills to exercise that oversight effectively.

HM Treasury-UK-Major Projects Authority approval process and assurance guidance-2011

The aim of the Major Projects Authority (MPA) is to bring about the successful delivery of Major Projects across central Government. This will apparently be achieved by introducing revised procedures for support of Major Projects, and ensuring they are integrated with strengthened Treasury approval processes. This guidance outlines these revised procedures.

4ps-UK- review - pfi and ppp operational project review in the housing sector - 2006

The purpose of this report is to indicate some key aspects to be considered when developing and implementing a housing PFI scheme.

NAO-UK-report-examining the value for money of PFI deals-2000

This report gives details of how the NAO examine the value for money of deals reached under the Private Finance Initiative. The essence of PFI deals is that the public sector and the private sector work together to deliver services.

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