NAO-UK-report-Building Schools for the future programme-2009

This report focuses on the progress of the programme up to December 2008; on the delivery arrangements used by Local Authorities, including their local resources and capacity, the planning process and the benefits and costs of a LEP; and on the delivery arrangements used by the Department, PfS and PUK, including the management of the programme by PfS and the funding arrangements for PfS and BSF

NAO-UK- report-the Treasury accommodation and office project-2001

In May 2000 the Treasury completed a deal with Exchequer Partnership  to refurbish and then maintain the significant Treasury office building in London for a period of 35 years.  This report is about the funding competition that took place to appoint the financiers and the funding package for the development.

House of Commons-UK-report-update on refinancing PFI projects-2007

Privately financed government projects are generally financed through a mixture of debt finance (in the form of either bank or bond finance) and equity finance (where investors have shares in the project company which has been awarded the government contract).

NAO-UK-report-for the National Air Traffice Services PFI project-2002

National Air Traffic Services Ltd (NATS) is the company which holds a monopoly of air traffic control for aircraft flying over the United Kingdom. It also provides air traffic control at most of the large airports around the country. The costs of its services are met by charges to users, mainly airlines. Until the PPP it was owned by the Civil Aviation Authority, which remains its regulator.

Performance Bonds for PFI projects-2009.

The presentation looks at performance bonds for PFI projects. It seeks to establish how risk can be managed in the present climate. 

NAO-UK-procurement manual-2010

The purpose of this manual is to provide help and guidance to professional procurement staff (including contractors) who are involved in procurement.

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