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House of Commons-UK-report-update on refinancing PFI projects-2007
Privately financed government projects are generally financed through a mixture of debt finance (in the form of either bank or bond finance) and equity finance (where investors have shares in the project company which has been awarded the government contract). It is a normal feature of long term projects that there may be refinancing in the form of changes to the debt or equity finance during the life of the project. This report looks at some of the issues.
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Flemish Ministry of Finance-presentation-public private partnership projects in Flanders-2011
This is a presentation by the Flemish Ministry of Finance on public private partnership projects in Flanders. It covers peer comparison, Flemish latent debt and PPC in Flanders. It also includes PPC School building construction time and costs and the implications of the 2008 financial crisis.
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Arab Renewable Energy Commission-presentation-renewable energy in Arab countries-M Al Ta'ani-2011
This presentation from the Arab renewable energy commission explores green energy technologies on the world energy map, focusing on Jordan as a case study.
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H M Treasury- UK-value for money assessment guidance-2006.
This report provides value for money assessment guidance. The VfM assessment guidance highlights different issues that procuring authorities should consider in establishing what the driving factors for VfM will be in their particular projects. It sets out the process and methodology to be used in considering whether the factors driving VfM will be realised through the use of PFI procurement.
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National Roads Authority-Ireland-presentation-overview of ppp's in Ireland-2006.
This presentation looks at the major transport (tunnels, tolling, bypass, railway, bridges, motorways) PPP projects in Ireland.
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National Audit Office-UK-presentation making changes in operational projects
This is a presentation on making changes to operational PFI projects in UK. Overview: basis of audit findings, changes by sector, number/size of changes, type and origin of changes, cost of change-components and processing time for small changes.