NAO-UK- report-London Underground-metro and ligh rail-were they good deals?-2004

In 2002 the then Secretary of State for Transport announced approval of a decision by the board of London Regional Transport to enter into three PPPs for the infrastructure of the LondonUnderground system (the Tube). The operation of the trains would remain a public sector responsibility of London Underground Limited , together with responsibility for managing the PPPs themselves.

Ministry of Transport-Netherlands-presentation- PPP decision making process within the Ministry of Transport-2011

This presentation looks at the PPP Decision making process within the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. Examining MIRT as a basis for the project.

National Roads Authority-Ireland-NRA and PPP in Ireland-F Barry-2011

This is a presentation on the future of PPP in transport in Ireland. It discusses the National Roads Authority budget and revenue and the major plans for network improvements in 2011. It looks at future PPP schemes and the constraints and challenges that may be faced. It provides a longer time outlook on the future for funding and identifies future PPP schemes. 

NAO-UK-report-the financial analysis of the london underground metro rail project-2000.

The London Underground PPP involved  the transfer of trains, stations, track and some 6000 staff to three separate infrastructure companies under 30 year contracts for different parts of the Tube. Under the PPP, London Underground  retained responsibility for the operation of train and station services.

NAO-UK- report-monitoring the cost of building road projects in the UK-2007.

This report examines how the costs of building and improving roads are estimated and monitored from early forecasts through to the final cost of schemes.

South African national roads agency-presentation-steps and landscapes for packaging of future projects-N Alli-2008.

This is a presentation outlining the need for future projects to build roads, rail, ports and pipelines in South Africa.

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