HM Treasury-UK-application note— interest-rate & inflation risks in pfi contracts and hedging-2010

PFI Contracts are intended to pass risk to the private sector if this provides good vfm. In many cases the allocation of risk is straightforward, but there are a number of areas where detailed analysis is necessary. One such area concerns interest-rate and inflation risks. This note looks at i) interest-rate risk and hedging, ii) inflation-related issues, and iii) swap credit premiums.

Birmingham City Council-UK-presentation-a public sector perspective on their own PFI PPP projects in Birmingham-2009

A presentation by Birmingham city council regarding the positive and negative outcomes from lenders and bidders in implementing ppp projects in Birmingham City.   A description of the revenue considerations and the concern around new alternative ways of funding is included.

NAO-UK-report-construction performance in PFI projects-2003

Up to December 2002 PFI contracts had been let in the UK for 25 major hospital schemes, seven prisons, nine roads and a number of other projects such as departmental office accommodation and training facilities. This report examines the construction performance achieved in PFI projects so far.

HM Treasury-UK-guidance on pfi contract expiry-2009

Guidance on PFI Contract Expiry is designed to assist public sector contract managers in managing the transition from a PFI Contract to whatever new arrangement may be set up to succeed it.This guidance is generic in nature in order to cover the broad range of PFI Contracts and sets out the key considerations in planning for the end of an operational project’s Contract term.

4ps-UK-guidance - merseyside waste management pfi project-pre-procurement review- 2006

This report provides for Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority a review of its proposals for taking forward the procurement of long term waste management arrangements. The report looks at the building blocks of any waste management procurement strategy including: corporate procurement strategy; decision making and governance; partnership working; and resources.

HM Treasury-UK-report-making savings in operational PFI contracts-2011

This report draws together the findings of four pfi/ppp pilot cost savings reviews and provides updated recommendations for savings measures to be pursued from the portfolio of UK operational PFI projects. Public sector authorities should also factor these recommendations in to future project procurements, and as far as possible to projects in the procurement pipeline.

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