Partnerships Victoria-presentation-Australia-will PPP's survive -R Foster-2009.

This presentation from Australia seeks to examine whether PPPs will survive. It looks at the role and context of PPPs, establishing that PPPs are not broken and that by improving the model they can continue.

Department of Transport-Ireland-presentation-review of transport infrastructure in Ireland and the impact of the credit crisis-2009.pdf

This presentation looks at the current economic climate on transport investment in Ireland, with reference to Transport 21.

New South Wales Treasury-Australia-presentation-the future of PPP's in the current volatile market -D Graham-2009.

This NSW government presentation looks at the future for PPPs in the volatile financial markets. It outlines the current status and the structural shift that is taking place, with debt finance primarily available through a ‘banking club’.  Concludes by suggesting that PPPs are still viable but that they are constrained.

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