How do I register as a Community Provider of Content (CPC)?
The Community section allows you or your organisation to upload free content directly onto the Infrateach website for the benefit of the infrastructure community. You will need to be a registered user of the website before you can apply to become a community content provider. Once your application/status has been approved by the Infrateach team, you will be able to create content pages for yourself with your own company logo/branding. Add content to the Community section in the form of downloadable PDF documents, links (URLs) to content/documents on your own website or embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo. The examples of content from the Community section will hopefully provide you with a flavour for the type content that can be added. All we ask for offering this completely free facility to the infrastructure community is that it ONLY be used for offering learning, know-how, market/sector updates and marketing material that has learning content within it. APPLY HERE NOW TO BECOME A COMMUNITY PROVIDER OF CONTENT. All content descriptions will be searchable using the website Search function so you can be sure that your content will be easily found by other Infrateach website users. YOU WILL ALSO HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR UPLOADED CONTENT. EDIT IT OR DELETE IT WHEN IT WORKS FOR YOU.