Department of Health-UK-guidance note-on benchmarking and market testing in NHS health PFI projects-2007.

This code of best practice provides guidance and advice to NHS Trusts, project companies and other service providers on how to embark on benchmarking and market testing in a PFI/PPP scheme.

Flemish Ministry of Finance-presentation-public private partnership projects in Flanders-2011

This is a presentation by the Flemish Ministry of Finance on public private partnership projects in Flanders. It covers peer comparison, Flemish latent debt and PPC in Flanders. It also includes PPC School building construction time and costs and the implications of the 2008 financial crisis. 

EPEC-presentation-the future of ppp financing- F Gaudet-2012

This presentation looks at recent market developments in the ppp sector, ongoing initiatives and current financing issues.

Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat-presentation-rebuilding efficient financing solutions for public infrastructure-2010

The presentation explores what is required to rebuild efficient financing solutions for public infrastructure in Europe, focusing on the trends for future projects and the crisis responses of several countries. 

National Roads Authority-Ireland-NRA and PPP in Ireland-F Barry-2011

This is a presentation on the future of PPP in transport in Ireland. It discusses the National Roads Authority budget and revenue and the major plans for network improvements in 2011. It looks at future PPP schemes and the constraints and challenges that may be faced. It provides a longer time outlook on the future for funding and identifies future PPP schemes. 

Ministry of Finance-Netherlands- Liquidity in the PPP market -P. Moorrees-2009

This presentation from the Ministry of Finance is about the PPP market in the Netherlands. It highlights the market characteristics and some past, current and future developments in this field. 

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